3.9 alpha 1 - alpha 9c

-MultiWave now uses the BASS sound system (http://www.un4seen.com )
-output device can be selected for each playslot
-stopall on deactivate removed
-possibility to open a file in more than one playslot
-right-click an open button to close the slot
-new interface for configuring QuickSchemes (now integrated into the Options Dialog)
-OpenScheme and OpenFile dialogs remember the last used directory now
-bugfix: OpenScheme did not retrieve output devices
-WMA support (added back)
-F4 properly opens the corresponding QuickScheme
-bugfix: display problem when starting maximized
-preview for WMA files in the FileOpen dialog
-new code for toggle play
-added: pause, pause all buttons
-bugfix: play all problem with multiple soundcards
-bugfix: retrieve aliases from schemes
-bugfix: brought back the error message when opening a file fails