warning when running from limited user

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when i try to run combiwave pro from a limited user i get the following warning:

"Fehler beim Erstellen eines Eintrages in der Systemregistrierung."

My german is not so good, but as far as i can understan, it has somthing to do with the registry database.

For now the program works fine, side by side with startup warnings, and end program crashes, but in a previous installation there were some other problems that made the program crash instantly, again in german which i didn't understand anything of.

Below is the rest of the warning messages, I run windows XP sp2, dont mind it says win98, i tried in different compatibility modes.

Exception class: EOleRegistrationError
Exception address: 00495292
Stack list, generated 27-02-2007 16:59:55
[0049528D] ComObj.CreateRegKey + $85
[004D53E5] mfileass.TmFileAss.CreateNewKeys (Line 250, "mfileass.pas" + 1) + $D


Hi Brian,

until version CombiWave associated .mws files on startup. That's what's causing the error when running without admin rights.

The issue is fixed in as file associations are now set by the installer only.

"Fehler beim Erstellen eines Eintrages in der Systemregistrierung." means "Error creating an entry in the registry." When I upgrade to the next version of Delphi I'll order the english product to get rid of those german messages.

Best regards,