Track Stuttering

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Hi, I have a problem with combiwave stuttering during playback.
I'm a sound engineer and I use combiwave during awards shows amongst other things - I connect my laptop to a sound desk.
I run combiwave pro on a lenovo windows 7 machine.
No other programs are running.
The problems only seem to occur during shows, and never when I'm using it at home.
Any thoughts as to why, it's really annoying as I can't use the software again until I find out whats causing the problem.


I would check the keyboard repeat sensitivity in the control panel.
Also  make sure that you have at least 100 ms of silence before your cut starts.
I have had combiwave stutter if the audio file begins without any "headpad"

I would check the keyboard repeat sensitivity in the control panel.
Also  make sure that you have at least 100 ms of silence before your cut starts.
I have had combiwave stutter if the audio file begins without any "headpad"

Hi Dave.
I use "Combiwave Pro" daily in the same context of you, this is, live shows with a large number of slots in use.  
I use it In different computers and different Sound card´s (internal and external) and I have never had this problem during playback. 
Better check the setup and test Combiwave in a different computers as well.

Are you probably using an external USB interface at home, which is powered by an external power supply? I had a similar problem before. I've regognized, that my external USB-IF was powered by means of a USB Hub with appropriate PSU. During shows the USB-IF was connected and powered by the internal USB port. Unforunately the port has not enough power in order to drive the IF.

Thanks everyone.

Astra - I checked keypad sensitivity and that seems ok, but as the stutter occurs a second or so into the track (after my finger has left the key) I'm not sure that could be the problem. As for leaving a gap at the start of the track, that's not an option as I need to be able to recue during playback seamlessly.

Kramoser - it can happen whether I use my m-audio interface or out of the headphone jack, so it's not interface related.

Javier - Thanks for your input. I am drawn towards thinking it's something to do with the laptop I'm using, but I don't have another one that is set up with all my audio software that I can take away on jobs. It's very strange as no other playback programs give me any trouble.

Although I don't use the program "daily", I use the latest version at many of the gigs I mix (multiple computers - all XP). I have never experienced the stuttering you mention, but am curious as to the cause - I want to be sure it doesn't happen to me.
It sounds to me like you use the same equipment/devices when you are at a show as well as at home. If it only happens at an event, what are the differences between the setups? Power? Console? Heat (outdoors)? RFI/EMI (near video wall/transformers/etc)?
Does it happen when you are at a gig and you use headphones (with nothing else connected - on battery power)? If so, it may be a coincidence that it only happens at an event. Does the stuttering happen randomly or on the same files? If it is not random, maybe it has something to do with the file itself (fragmented/another drive/etc?).
If you discover the reason and have a solution, please let us know.

Hi Jack,
My set up at shows is at FOH and there will be some radio mics and other laptops around as well as the video and lighting equipment.
The stuttering is totally random - not at the same point in tracks or specific to any type of track or codec.
I've tried to recreate the problem at home, but it always works fine.
The only big difference at shows is the playback volume. I tried putting the laptop on some foam to reduce interference from sub bass but that didn't help.
A mistery...

I have the exact same problem.
Mine is on an XP desktop.
I play all my files from an internal SATA drive which works fine on other software.
I started using Combiwave on a live broadcast and it stuttered, even though it worked fine all through rehearsals. I also can't recreate the problem and now I am very hesitant to use it again.