Separate Cue List (+ 2 other wishlist items)

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I use CombiWave to run sound for our theater, and OH MAN does it work well.  Running sound cues is a piece of cake.  Thank you, thank you for the program. 
1) I would love to have a separate (maybe floating, like the cue control) cue list.  A simple list that plays one of the cued sounds and then flips to the next cue.  CombiWave already does this to a great extent, but for the instances where I have to use, for example, a phone ring 5 separate times in a show, I either have to manually jump back to the phone cue or use up 5 lines in Combiwave, one for each phone cue if I set up the show in order for my sound operator.  The cue list could be a simple list of the cues in the current scheme that I could set up and/or repeat in the chronological order of my choosing.
2) Ability to color-code each entry in the scheme.  This would be helpful to quickly and visually find a specific cue when it's mixed in with many others.  Or to grey-out cues on which I don't want the operator to focus.
3) Ability to hide entries.  I usually program in our pre-show or intermission music, stringing one song after another, but all the songs tend to clutter up the scheme.  The ability to "hide" the chained entries would be nice.
At the end of the day, however, thank you for the program.
