[Finish action]: sound cut between end of current slot to next

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Thanks for this great gingle player, I love very rare feature such as several soundcards support, volume, fader control assignable on each slot.
A very nice feature that I have never seen from now is "finish action", allowing to chain automatically several songs.

But I have noticed a trouble when going from current song to the new one, there is a "sound cut" a blank sound for very short time, but sufficient to be earable.
Notice that this "sound cut" is not there when "autolooping" on a slot, so it seems that player engine is already capable to ensure no "sound cut".
Perhaps a processing delay induced by the "finish action" processing ?

I'm using version on WinXP on a Dell D630.

Best regards.

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Hello, one more precision regarding this issue.
After trying the current version in development ( alpha), problem is no more there.
BUT this version is very very unstable. After 5-10 key press, the application freeze.

Best regards.

Hi, thanks for your messages!

Basically there will always be a difference between a "loop" and "finish actions".

The loop is being done using a special playmode while finish actions just start playing another file. The processing to find the slot that is going to be played isn't the problem, but there just is a small gap between a "stop" and a "play" command... is pretty buggy - the latest alphas are a lot stabler - if you are a registered user please drop me a note and I will send you the latest alpha version.


Hi Chris,

I have tried the latest alpha, and the problem is back again, a silent is there from end of a track to begin of another one in finish action mode.
You can send me an e-mail, I will give back to you my project and sound samples.

I use this feature for special modelism sound rendering, but I think it is usefull with a CD containing several tracks which is in fact a single unique song with different chapters but no "scene cut" between.

Proposal of idea in order to fix:
1) the best -but the more complicated- limiting the delay between both songs to minimum:
Just before the end of playback, prepare all the stuff needed for next action, in order to just have to start sound rendering of next song when current is ending.
2) add a setting in ms allowing user to tune the time trigger where finish action is taken into account.
1 song1 = 40,2s (finish action=next, time trigger=100ms)
2 song2 = ...
=> the finish action will be processed @ 40,1s, and assuming that processing time is around 100 ms, allowing
song2 to start exactly @40,2s, ie the end of song1.
User can tune the value to decrease silent time.

Don't hesitate to send me an e-mail for the project file and associated sound samples.


I'm sorry for my late reply!

Thanks for letting me know about the problem.
Adding some (customizable) negative offset for the next file seems to be the only solution. I've added this to the bugtracker.

Thank you!
